Master Server Usage Instructions
Unreal Tournament

1. While running Unreal Tournament, open the "Advanced Options" window.
2. Expand the Networking branch.
3. Expand the Master Server Uplink branch.
4. Set DoUplink to True.
5. Collapse the Networking branch.
6. Expand the Advanced branch.
7. Expand the Game Engine Settings branch.
8. Expand the ServerActors branch.
9. Set item [0] to lpDrv.UdpBeacon.
10. Set item [1] to lpServer.UdpServerQuery.
11. Click on item [2], then click on the Insert button which appears on the right.
12. Click on item [2], which should now be blank.
13. In the edit box that appears, type the following: IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
14. Collapse the Advanced branch and close the "Advanced Options" window.